
Welcome to My New Blog! I finally decided it was time to create one since I was doing all my publishing off Facebook and not everyone has one so this just made more sense:) After many requests here it is!:) I hope you all visit me often as I will be keeping you updated on all my upcoming shoots from here on out! :) Thanks for visiting!

♥ Reyna

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FIRST POST-Gabby/Class of '10

Wow! I honestly did NOT think that I would be creating a blog this soon:) but I am more than thankful for all the supportive people that have motivated me to finally do this because I honestly did not think I was ready for one..seems so Professional! Well here it is! and I am more than happy to start you all off with my 2nd Senior Shoot!

Meet Gabby! She's a Senior at Granite High School, a Volleyball player and a SUPER sweet girl! We started off our shoot by trying to find our first location..her Coach's house..didnt succeed at first so I found another spot meanwhile we waited for her Coach's call..turned out perfect! Things really happen for a reason:) It was beautiful and I am more than pleased with the way the trees and things look behind Gabby..her outfit was perfect for it..it all was just Perfect! After location 1 we got the phone call and moved on to Coach's house..which was a BEAUTIFUL house! OMG just Gorgeous! We got some amazing shots there as well! Here is her Senior shoot for you to enjoy!:) Im not planning on posting THIS many on all my blogs but I just HAD to this time..Its my first blog..give me a break;)..(I know its a lot..but shes easy on the eyes)..they are all just so beautiful..Gabby is absolutely gorgeous and she really made this SO easy and fun for me!

Congratulations Gabby! I wish you luck from Graduation day on out! ♥


  1. Wow. You are so talented. Great job. I'll be checking in often as a way of getting to know my long lost cousin. God bless you.

  2. Reyna I love your work! You're so talented! =)
